Det blev ännu en lång period utan uppdateringar. Har kommit två releaser som jag inte ens hunnit prova än.
Imorgon är det maj och det innebär även att jag skall sammanställa en toplista på de bästa releaserna under april månad, pepp!
Mental Repairs, Inc

Spelet är gjort utav Renzo Thönen.
Detta är ett klassiskt peka och klicka-spel med en intressant twist.
Renzos egna förklaring blir bäst då jag ej hunnit prova detta än.
Mental Repairs, Inc. is a 2.5D point'n'click adventure that puts you into the shoes of Henrik Liaw, machine psychiatrist. Henrik's unusual job is to repair defective electronic devices with his mind by entering their psyche and treating them from the inside. For this he uses the so-called Katharsis Interface, a wrench-like tool that allows him to establish a mental connection with a machine's artificial brain.
The game starts when Henrik's PDA receives an emergency call in the middle of the night. The main computer of Rhosonit Engineering, a nearby construction company, experienced a nervous breakdown and needs to be repaired/treated immediately.
It's going to be a special night, with Henrik encountering several malfunctioning appliances, such as a suddenly colorblind photocopier, a coffee dispenser with very low self-esteem, and an elevator with a multiple personality disorder.
Format: PC
Imorgon är det maj och det innebär även att jag skall sammanställa en toplista på de bästa releaserna under april månad, pepp!
Mental Repairs, Inc

Spelet är gjort utav Renzo Thönen.
Detta är ett klassiskt peka och klicka-spel med en intressant twist.
Renzos egna förklaring blir bäst då jag ej hunnit prova detta än.
Mental Repairs, Inc. is a 2.5D point'n'click adventure that puts you into the shoes of Henrik Liaw, machine psychiatrist. Henrik's unusual job is to repair defective electronic devices with his mind by entering their psyche and treating them from the inside. For this he uses the so-called Katharsis Interface, a wrench-like tool that allows him to establish a mental connection with a machine's artificial brain.
The game starts when Henrik's PDA receives an emergency call in the middle of the night. The main computer of Rhosonit Engineering, a nearby construction company, experienced a nervous breakdown and needs to be repaired/treated immediately.
It's going to be a special night, with Henrik encountering several malfunctioning appliances, such as a suddenly colorblind photocopier, a coffee dispenser with very low self-esteem, and an elevator with a multiple personality disorder.
Format: PC